Masjid Halton

Islamic Travel with Suhba

"Alhamdolelah we are excited to partner up with Suhba Travels to offer our community high quality Islamic Travel options at a reasonable cost. We encourage you to watch the introductory video below and to visit for the upcoming Umrah and Islamic Travel Trips".

Assalamualaikum, InshaAllah, the HIA, in partnership with Suhba, will be *returning to Masjid Al Aqsa this October* with a smaller group of 30 people. 
The need to visit and populate Al-Aqsa and support our brothers and sisters on the ground has never been greater. 
 Journey to Al Aqsa travel dates: *Oct 12 – 20, 2024*
 Join us on this 8 day journey, at this critical time, to the blessed land of Al Quds. 
 For more info and to book the journey, go to
Please remember the trip in your duas and spread the word. May Allah taala accept from us and keep us sincere. Ameen 

Travel Highlights